Our Aims...

The purposes of the group are to:-

1. Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage, archaeology, architecture, people and environment of Norwich
2. Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology
3. Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members
4. Be actively inclusive - open, accessible and welcoming to all
5. Represent the area’s heritage and residents by publicizing, commenting and co-ordinating responses on planning, transportation and other proposed changes for the area.

Monday 23 November 2015

Looking Forward to the Journey

I was one of the volunteers that turned up to session described below by Colin. I'll be adding my less than experienced voice to the blog. Colin will talk fact and I will talk fiction. At least until I know a bit more. In many ways I think this is the essence of what we're trying to achieve. Some people think they're not interested in history. That's like saying you're not interested in yesterday. There are stories all around us that we may pass every day without noticing - they're embedded in the old city walls; they are scored in the pathways along our streets. There is surely something to inspire each of us. 

I am interested in history for history's sake because I like to compare the old with the new and the ancient with the old. I've never undertaken an activity like this before however as my history has been confined to books. I'm looking forward to interacting with the elements and learning to take a better look at what exists in front of our noses. To unearth the stories behind the facts and try to create a picture of what life may have been like.

I'm looking forward to the journey.


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