An evocative excerpt from Parson Woodforde's Diary, shared by Magdalen Walks member, Keiran:
'After breakfast I got in my Curricle and drove to Norwich., we got there about Noon. And it being Guild day when the new Mayor is sworn in, there were great doings, the Court going in Procession to the great Church and from thence to the Guild-Hall, & then to St Andrews Hall to dinner.
Old Mr Alderman Ives is the new Mayor, and it is the second Time of his succeeding to thst Office. Some of the old time doings exhibited to day such as he did the last Time if being Mayor- A fine & curious Triumphal Arch of green Box intersped with many Flowers & variegated Lamps hung in the Centre of the Arch, near Mr Ives's House and by St Clements Church near Fye Bridge.
At the Mayors Door there was a similar Arch with three golden Crowns on it and the Prince of Wales's Feather in the middle, of Gold, with a continual Firing of Cannons & Guns. Flaggs flying throughout the Mayors Parish &c. A vast Number of People at Norwich to day indeed...'
Kieran Yates